A lot has changed since the average programmer had a stab at javascript. As a Delphi developer I played around with it roughly 10 years ago (when everyone was doing scrollers, pop-up windows and the “dark side” of javascript) but a couple of years ago I realized that browser technology had come of age. And thus Smart Mobile Studio was born.
To give people a taste of what modern javascript can do I want to share a link to the JS1K website, which holds a “yearly” competition for the best javascript demos (using the canvas tag). The rules are simple: stuff as much graphical bliss as you can into 1k of source-code. The best effect and technique get’s the price.
My favorite is without a doubt: http://js1k.com/2010-first/demo/171 but all the demos on the website are really spectacular. Especially considering the size of the sourcecode.
So head over to JS1k and have a look!
And who needs webGL when we have hardware acellerated 3d transformation in webkit? Check out Sprite3d (note: requires a webkit browser, like Safari or Chrome) which we aim to wrap for Smart Mobile Studio in v1.2. Here is Mario Cart written in javascript and HTML5.