In the upcoming version of Smart Mobile Studio, we have added support for customizable project templates.
That means that you can add your own project templates to the template repository, and with the scripting capabilities you can make pretty cool templates.
The project templates are defined in separate folders, which will be reflected in the “New project” dialog.
You define the project title and project description in a configuration file, along with the basic project settings. The API is based on a Pascal based scripting and pretty powerful.
Which project types would you like to have?
Great to have news about the next release.
Let’s say I want to developp a javascript image slider (like WOW slider)
(just an example, I’m not willing to developp this)
Can I code the slider with Smart Mobile Studio ?
I know I can developp an “Image Slider Application” with SMS, but it’s not what I want.
I want something I can easily embed in any Web page and interact with.
(like in this SO question : )
So if it’s possible to do this with SMS, a Template for this kind of project (or a Demo/tutorial) will be a great idea.
Well. The question here is how you are going to integrate this “component” to something other that the Smart Application you create.
With the iframe capabilities, it’s quite easy to look at your Smart Apps as “web widgets” and integrate them to your web page.
I’ve created a couple of examples for you…
On our demos page(, you’ll find the “Animated logo” demo.
This is actually a demo of what you can do with svg, but it’s fun to watch so I’ll use it for this demo as well.
You can view that original demo at:
So. By creating a new html file with this simple code:
[code language=”html”]
<H1>program IFrameDemo</H1>
<iframe src="index.html"></iframe>
you have embedded the original demo into another context. Pretty neat 🙂
View live at:
Image cover
Eric grange has created the “SmartFlow” demo that are included in the demos folder when you install Smart.
Here’s an iframe demo of that: