While the next version 2.0 is still not entirely ready, here’s a post about how your HTML5 application can be converted to a native application with Cordova (the open source base of PhoneGap). It’s a bit more tricky than with PhoneGap, but completely free of any costs and you don’t need to transmit your application to any server, which might be in times of NSA surveillance always a bit critical.
The tutorial below only covers the basics. If you want to use plugins to enhance the native experience (e.g. to access hardware directly), you need to consult the plugin’s documentation.
Install the latest Node.js
- Install Cordova via “npm install -g cordova”
- Eventually install the latest Java and JDK (if not installed already)
- Download Ant (“.zip archive”) and extract the content to any desired directory
[Optionally] Install Eclipse (or ADT, see next item 6)
- Install Android SDK [included in ADT]
- Version 2.2 (API 8) and 4.3 (API 18) [+others if desired]
- Google APIs
- Android SDK, Platform & Build Tools
- [Optionally] Install Blackberry10 API
- similar to step 5 install NDK from the QNX IDE (for example to
as no spaces are allowed in the path (!))
- call
and then
(in the same command line window!)
- similar to step 5 install NDK from the QNX IDE (for example to
[Optionally] Install Windows Phone SDK
- The SDK 8.0 for Windows 8 (includes everything)
- [For Windows 7 or below:] SDK 7.1 + Updates
- Add paths to Java, Ant, Android SDK, BlackBerry10 (should be done via the batch files already)
- Click on the Start menu in the lower-left corner of the desktop, right-click on Computer, then click Properties.
- Click Advanced System Settings in the column on the left.
- In the resulting dialog box, press Environment Variables.
- Select the PATH variable and press Edit.
- In my case I needed to add:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_40\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Ant\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_40\lib
- Ensure you also have a variable called
, which points to the bin directory
- If you have error message, which you don’t understand it’s likely that some paths are missing!
Cordova should be ready now to build Android, BlackBerry10, WP7 [& WP8] applications. You can now proceed the short tutorial below or continue with the command line interface documentation for Cordova, which covers the same commands, but with more detailed explanations.
- Locate your Smart Project’s bin (/ www) folder and…
- Type
cordova create projectname com.smartmobilestudio.projectname ProjectName
(replace “projectname” with the name of the project)
- change directory to “ProjectName” (i.e. “cd ProjectName”)
- replace the content in the www subdirectory with you’re content
- do not delete config.xml, but you may (and should) edit that file for your needs
- Type
cordova platform add android
(for Android support)
- Type
cordova platform add blackberry10
(for BlackBerry10)
- Type
cordova platform add wp7
(for Windows Phone 7)
- Type
cordova platform add wp8
(for Windows
Phone 8) - ! Note the lower case platform names (i.e. “cordova platform add Android” will fail with a cryptic error message!)
- Type
cordova build
(to build the binaries, might take a while!)
- “Build” will fail for Android, if the path contains spaces(!), but at least the error message is clear in that case
- By default, “build” builds debug code, add
for release versions
- Type
- [For Android only:] If you want to test your application in the emulators, they must be configured first!
- Type
, then choose “Tools”->”Manage AVDs…” one virtual device for version 2.2 (i.e. a phone) and one for 4.3 (maybe a tablet)
- Type
- Test your application via
cordova emulate [platform]
- For android that is
cordova emulate android
, then start the image you want manually (via
->”Tools”->”Manage AVDs…”)
- For android that is
- For native deployment you can also:
cordova run [platform]
If everything worked fine you should now have binaries of your application for Android, Blackberry 10, Windows Phone 7 and eventually Windows [Phone] 8. These applications can now be deployed the same way as native applications written in any other language. This includes selling the application via the device’s ecosystem’s store (e.g. Google Play).
The same steps can also be performed on Mac to retrieve OSX and iOS applications, that can be deployed via iTunes. However, an Apple developer account an XCode is required. For this a membership fee is necessary.