We are proud to present our roadmap for 2013, with the goals we have set out to achieve and the technologies we are going to build. Due to unforeseen circumstances – some of the technologies that were planned for 2012 have been pushed ahead into 2013, there have also been significant shifts in the world of browser technologies that have made some of our plans redundant (“native” webservice support is one feature, which is now covered by node.js).
For our previous roadmap click here
Updates for 2013
Version 1.1 beta
Just before Christmas 2012 we released version 1.1 beta. The release fixed several major and minor issues and introduced a wealth of new units, concepts and support for technology. You can read the full manifest of changes here.
Update 1 – 2013
- New visual designer
- WebGL project type
- WebDB project type
- Fully external projects
Update 2 – 2013
- Commandline compiler
- User controls in component palette
Update 3 – 2013
- Node.js web service project
- node.js web service client
- Automatic update / Smartnet
Other features
The world of browser technologies are always expanding and changing, and of-course there are many units and features that we are working on – and many more that we will adopt – that is not reflected in the roadmap.
Excelente news !!!
But what can we expect form a “fully external project” ?
Best regards
Job Espejel
When we started, the project file-format was “all in one”. So the entire project is saved as a single file, almost like a zip file but using XML as the carrier. This is very handy (email and downloading of projects) but naturally causes problems for SVN based projects, and also sharing units between delphi and smart (where plain object pascal is used).
We then added the option for having external units, units that are either in the same folder as the project or stored in the libs folder. The next step is to make the project truly “delphi” like, where not only units are external but also form-files and their associated units. The project file (.opp) will no longer contain embedded data – unless you chose to ofcourse.
SMS + mORMot Implementation = Server-side + Ajax App
SMS is great for implementing rich client-side AJAX applications, to work with our client-server mORMot framework. In order to interface Smart code with mORMot, an implementation has been supplied, working with authentication, with examples you can:
a) Perform all the CRUD operations (delete, update, add and get) with SQLite records.
b) It is able to execute remote methods, including the usage of var and out parameters.
Stay tuned at “http://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1066”
you can download the implementation at “https://www.dropbox.com/s/um7p1j2bwow5qxj/mORMot%20and%20Smart.rar”
I have been testing a example related to a server side of sample “04 – HTTP Client-Server”.
They work perfectly fine both under Chrome 14 and SMS local server.
Under Firefox 8, don’t as expected. I don’t know what browsers SMS 1.1.0372 supports.
That’s all.
Warleyalex from Brazil