Documentation is currently being written. We hope to have all the chapters of our online manual ready as soon as possible. If you need to ask questions then feel free to use our forums (website registration required).
Customers can always send us an email directly. But please bear in mind that we cannot teach you object pascal or wrap large javascript libraries on demand. Our direct help is limited to our products. But we will naturally try our best to help.
Online manual
- System requirements
- Prerequisites
- Getting started
- Project types
- Networking
- Storage
- Local storage
- Session storage
- Global storage
Getting the book
While the documentation here on our website provides a nice starting point, there is no arguing that a real in-depth book is the best. We have been fortunate to have Primoz Gabrijelcic author a book on Smart Mobile Studio, which deals with every detail of of our flavour of object pascal. You can read more about the book here.
How do i ..
- Create a class
- Add a new form to my application
- Create and use a timer object
- Rotate a control by X degrees
- Store data in the browser
- Plot pixels on a offscreen bitmap
- Use a sprite sheet to draw graphics?
- Move graphics from the canvas to an image
- Work with javascript structures
- Draw ghost polygon and polyshapes
- Create a really annoying banner advert
- Execute a CSS animation on a control
- Handling keyboard events, how to?