This version is actually more like a “release candidate” than a “beta”.
There’s only one issue left, and that’s related to RTTI.
If we mange to fix this issue within the next few days, then we will include that fix in the final release. If not, we’ll postpone the RTTI to the first hotfix and release this version as is.
If you would like to give this a try, you can download the installer here:
A valid license key (trial or subscription) is required.
NOTE: Since v2.0 isn’t forward compatible, you can’t open v2.1 projects in v2.0. Make sure to always backup your projects case you want to revert to v2.0 again.
The Smart Mobile Studio Team
Changes from the second beta:
A complete, official “v2.1 changelog” can be found with the beta-1 announcement
The fixes we did in “beta-2” can be found on the beta-2 announcement
- Fixed small issue with source highlighting.
- Fixed QR generation problems.
- Fixed: Node.js RTL files were not stored in proper UTF-8 format.
- Fixed: A change of conditional compilation directives was not properly reflected in the compiler.
- Fixed: Externalized resources always got .pas extension.
- Fixed Zen, SVG, and Listbox demos.
- Fixed: Make project internal/external did not mark project as modified.
- Fixed hotkey manager.
- Fixed Property Inspector integration (it was not possible to generate an event by double-clicking; comb box for component selection was not working).
- Form properties can be modified even if there is no component on the form.
- Fixed problem where editor toolbar buttons got disabled from time to time.
- Fixed problems with breakpoint display.
- Fixed: Form was not marked as modified if component was moved/resized with a keyboard.
- Fixed text-overflow and white-space CSS property names in the RTL.
- It is now possible to remove events from a component.
- Command-line compiler can compile .pas files.
- Old (version 2.0) packages are working again.
Internal debugger is still buggy (triggering a lot of GPF while pressing F8 in a method, then IDE stuck).
Still issues with the compiler.
Reported as point 10 in
Sometimes, the (background) compiler does not display the blue points left to the compiled lines. Even if I click on “Compile”, the compilation is successful in the bottom message box, but no blue point is displayed. Then e.g. if I double click on a button, there is a popup saying that “Programs
failed. Operation might not be complete. Continue anyway?”, and if you click e.g. “Yes”, it moves the button to the mouse pointer, so that sometimes the button just disappear from the form!
I just found out a big issue, using latest Smart Mobile Studio 2.1 (beta-3):
If I define the following record type:
TTestNestedRecord = record
H1: integer;
H2: string;
H3: record
H3a: boolean;
H3b: TSQLRawBlob;
when I want to copy the record:
var rec1,rec2: TTestNestedRecord;
rec2 := rec1;
then the browser complain about a missing copy function.
In fact, there is no function generated by the compiler to copy the nested
rec2.H3 := rec1.H3
.This is very annoying to have such a basic language feature not working…
I would have to switch from record to classes for our mORMot SOA client, and it is highly disappointing.
Issue fixed 🙂