For those that have been following Smart Mobile Studio from idea to realization, I am happy to announce that the final piece of the IDE is now under way. I am ofcourse talking about the visual designer -which is more than a brain teaser since it has to talk with Javascript in real-time. We have also added skin support to the next alpha release (and yes you can turn it off) and all the latest compiler switches. Smart linking is also working now, so your compiled apps will be as small and fast as possible.
If you are new to Object Pascal you might be wondering about all the references to Greek myth and history that always seem to follow pascal coders. As you probably know Delphi was the capital of ancient Greece in its golden days, typically refered to as “the navel of the world” as this was where Apollo killed the serpent. Since the most famous and popular object pascal studio is called Delphi – then naturally object pascal coders the world over adopted this. And yes, we had the spartan helmet long before the movie “300” came out.
It is also a re-occuring phenomenon that if you challenge a pascal programmer, he will respond with a quote from 300 – especially if he hears the word “impossible”.
Impossible to compile to javascript you say? THIS IS SPARTA!